Stay updated on Jason's progress with this site run by his wife, Bethany.
Also, it looks like there's going to be a benefit game in Youngstown for him on August 24. Playing in the game will be NJ Devils player Mike Rupp and Kevin Kaminski, who coached Jason in Youngstown. If anyone who reads this is able to go, please drop me a line and let me know how the turnout is. Any donations to that benefit can be sent to:
Cindy Piedra
826 Oakridge Drive
Boardman, OH 44512
If you'd like to make a donation to the Baird family, you can do by sending checks, gas cards, anything you can help with to:
Baird Family Fund
PO Box 264
Perry, OH 44081
Also, if you'd like to send cards to Jason & his family, you can send it to the address here:
Jason Baird
Akron Children's Hospital - Burn Institute
One Perkins Square
Akron, OH 44308